3406 and C-15 Long Blocks Caterpillar

3406 and C-15 Long Blocks [SELD0190]
3406 and C-15 Long Blocks
 General Service Information



Technical Supplement  


August 2008    

3406 and C-15 Long Blocks

Long Block Selection General Information

The purpose of this technical supplement is to help you decide if there is a AVSpare remanufactured long block available for a particular engine application. When making your decision, please keep the following points in mind.

Long blocks are not available for every engine application. The long blocks we do offer can, however, be used to service many applications even though the long block does not exactly match the original engine configuration. When the consist of the Reman product offering differs from the consist of a customer's engine, only the dealer and customer can decide whether or not it makes economic sense to change the parts that differ.

It's AVSpare's policy to incorporate the latest critical engineering changes into Cat Reman products. Therefore, long blocks may be offered with some parts from a later design era as service repairs for engines from an earlier design era. An example is the 3406C crankshaft, connecting rods, and pistons which are in certain 3406B long blocks. The result is that the parts in the long blocks match each other but do not match the parts consist of new production engines, nor do they match any single parts book. When long block parts consists differ from the official parts list, Reman provides an engine plate alerting the customer to Special Instruction or Service Magazine articles for information on non-standard parts.

Make sure any future engine/long block repairs which do not use parts called for by the original parts book, or official replacements called for by parts and service sources, are carefully documented. If you choose to make any configuration or consist changes, good documentation can prevent problems the next time parts are ordered.

3406 Long Block Selection Instructions

First, decide what design era the customer's engine is from. If the engine is an original 3406 (called 3406A in the following chart), determine whether it has pre-combustion chambers (PC) or direct injection (DI). Normal parts and service sources can be used to look up this information by engine serial number, if necessary. This will narrow down the list of long block candidates shown on the following chart.

If the customer's engine is a 3406B or 3406C, you will have to wait until the next step to further narrow the candidates list. Next, use normal parts sources (parts book, microfiche, SIS, NPR, etc.) to look up the correct current piston part number for the customer's engine. If the customer's piston part number is not shown in the following "3406 Long Block Consist and Selection Chart", use NPR or other sources to find the most current part number intended to service the customer's engine.

If the customer's piston still doesn't appear in the chart, Reman does not offer a perfect service replacement long block. If you are willing to do further research, you may find a Reman long block which can be used as a service repair. The following Engine News articles may help with your research:

    "Connecting Rod Changes and Replacement Information", March 12, 1980;

    "Reference List of Pistons Used with the Different Types of Connecting Rods", September 10, 1980;

    "New Piston Group has a Thicker Top Ring", December 15, 1982.

Don't forget to use NPR to find the most current part numbers which replace the ones shown in these old articles.

Remember, certain 3406B and all 3406C long blocks use the later 3406C-era crankshaft with matching wide taper connecting rods and thick top ring pistons. In many cases these later style parts when used in combination with each other, can be used to service earlier engines. Since the Reman long block uses pistons, rods, and a crankshaft which match each other, the only remaining concern is whether or not the improved product we offer can be used to service the customer's engine. One of the greatest concerns is verifying whether the Reman long block piston will work together with the customer's fuel system to meet applicable emissions standards in an on-highway truck application. If in doubt, don't take any chances which might affect emissions certification.

If the customer's piston or an acceptable service repair piston is shown, you should now have narrowed the candidates down to one or two columns of the chart. Next, follow the remaining candidate columns down into the consist section of the chart. Check the camshaft, then cylinder head part numbers shown against the part numbers called for by normal parts sources to service the customer's engine. By this point you have narrowed the search down to one cadidate long block part number. Now check the other part numbers listed in the same column of the consist chart. For a long block candidate to become a selection, all the part numbers listed under the long block part number should match the correct service part numbers for the customer's engine. You may select a long block which isn't a perfect match if you believe changing the parts which don't match is worth the time and money to do the work.

NOTE: Read the notes referenced in the chart. These notes explain, among other things, important adaptability and shipping information. Note "F", for example, tells about minor differences in some front housing groups which you may be willing to accept when selecting a long block.


Long Block Candidates 0R-1097 0R-3714 0R-3711 0R-3752 0R-3751 0R-4408 0R-4409 0R-0844 0R-7961 10R-1512  
Engine Design 3406E
3406A (PC) 3406A (DI) 3406B/C (Dual Spring Cyl Head) 3406B/C (Single Spring Cyl Head) 3406C (3ZJ, 2EK, 4CK) 3406C (5YG, 11N, 2EK) 3406C
(5EK, 6TS)
Ref. Production Block Gp 137-8467
4N-2257, 7N-1200, 8N-9265, 152-7648 2W-6039, 7N-1200, 8N-9265, 152-7648 8N9267, 108-3912, 152-7648 8N9267,
108-3912, 152-7648
4P-2098, 7E-9432, 8N-9265, 108-3912, 152-7648 7E-9432, 108-3912 152-7648, 8N-9265, 7E-9432, 108-3912 108-3919, 137-2671,
149-8799, 137-8466, 136-7329
Ref. Piston Part Nos. 145-6744, 132-6663
(2-piece), 180-7352, 191-7854
7N-3633 1W-9372, 9Y-4004, 290-0017, 7W-8929, 1W-8901, 8N-1606 1W-9372, 9Y-4004,  290-0017, 7W-8929, 1W-8901, 8N-1606 1W-9372,
7E-8700, 7E-8656, 7E-0292 113-6045, 7E-0489 168-4540, 130-0241
(2-piece), 161-8421, 116-8154
149-5566, 130-0241
1Y-3658, 116-1372, 133-7537
145-6744 (CROWN),
Long Block Consist                      
Camshaft Gp-S 10R-1065 8N-9244 10R-1165 8N-9244 10R-1165 199-9784 7W-3798 8N-9244
199-9784 7W-3798 199-9784, 7W-3798 199-9784, 7W-3798 197-6963 10R-0165  
Drive Gp-Acc N/A N/A N/A 8N-9653 8N-9653 8N-9653 8N-9653 N/A N/A N/A  
Fastener Gp N/A 4N-6006 4N-6006 4N-6006 4N-6006 4N-6006 4N-6006 4N-6006 N/A N/A  
Mechanism Gp-V-B         **Note B** 197-6962 199-7738 4N-2271 4N-2271 4W-2461 or 4N-2271 4W-2461 4W-2461 4W-2461 4W-2461 148-7482 197-6962
Note B: Crankshaft is positioned at top dead center number one on the firing stroke prior to shipping.
Gear Gp-Front **Note E** 102-8397 10R-0512 8N-9246 0R-2421 8N-9246 0R-2421 8N-9246
8N-9246 0R-2421 8N-9246
102-8397 10R-0512 124-6818
Note E: The oil pump drive gear, bolt and washer are not included with the long block. If these parts are needed, they must be ordered separately.
Housing Gp-Front         **Note F, K** 108-4518 10R-0210 4N-3911 4N-3911 9Y-1579 1W-1468 9Y-1579 9Y-1579 7W-3656 108-4518 178-7598 Note F: The customer may need to remove the wheel stud from the front plate assembly. Form SEHS9670 is attached to the wheel stud located on the front plate assembly above the fuel pump drive area. Note K: The customer will use the front support from their removed engine. Form SEHS9667 is attached to front housing in area of front support mounting.
Lifting Gp **Note G** 111-2088 197-6470 9N-0073 9N-0073 9N-0073 9N-0073 9N-0073 9N-0073 9N-0073 111-2088 111-2088 Note G: The lifting group is for handling during installation and removal from shipping container. The customer may have to use the lifting eyes from their removed engine. Form SEHS9666 is attached to rear eye.
Cover Gp-Mech         **Note H** 144-2852 7E-0333 7E-0333 7E-0333 7E-0333 7E-0333 7E-0333 7E-0333 144-2852 152-8616 Note H: Installed with seal, bases, and bolts, these valve covers are for debris protection. The customer will have to use the valve cover lids from their removed engine.
Pump Gp-Water         **Note J** 135-4925 9N-3288 9N-3288 9N-3288 9N-3288 9N-3288 9N-3288 199-6530 6I-3642 199-6529 Note J: The o-ring used between the water pump inlet adapter and the water pump cover is "SHIPPED LOOSE".
Head Gp-Cyl 183-5296 4N-2260 4N-2270 4W-2436 1W-1439 4W-2436 4W-2436 199-6768 191-2446 183-5296  
Short Block Gp-Cyl            **Note L** 0R-1096 0R-0715 0R-2545 0R-4812 0R-4812 0R-3811 0R-4399 0R-7943 0R-8323 10R1511 Note L: Certain 3406B long blocks may be assembled with 3406C era crankshaft, connecting rods, and pistons. This product improvement requries any future individual cylinder repairs to be made with parts which match the long block, not the original engine's consist. 3406B era parts may be used for a future repair only if they are replaced in matched sets. The pistons and connecting rods must be correct for the crankshaft being used. Different generations of pistons, rods, and cranks can not be mixed. A plate on the long block explains how to look up the correct parts to match the long block in the event of a future repair.
Ship Loose Parts                      
Breather As 136-1602 9Y-2988 9Y-2988 9Y-2988 9Y-2988 9Y-2988 9Y-2988 4N-4668 123-7045 136-1602  
Core As-O Clr 133-0125 7C-3039 7C-3039 7C-3039 7C3039 7W-2164 7C-3039 7C-3039 133-0125 133-0125  
Pump G-F TRF 190-3442 4W-5481 4W-5481 1W-1700 1W-1700 1W-1700 1W-1700 1W-1700 139-2359 190-3442  

Note B: Crankshaft is positioned at top dead center number one on the firing stroke prior to shipping.
Note E: The oil pump drive gear, bolt and washer are not included with the long block. If these parts are needed, they must be ordered separately.
Note F: The customer may need to remove the wheel stud from the front plate assembly. Form SEHS9670 is attached to the wheel stud located on the front plate assembly above the fuel pump drive area.
Note G: The lifting group is for handling during installation and removal from shipping container. The customer may have to use the lifting eyes from their removed engine. Form SEHS9666 is attached to rear eye.
Note H: Installed with seal, bases, and bolts, these valve covers are for debris protection. The customer will have to use the valve cover lids from their removed engine.
Note J: The o-ring used between the water pump inlet adapter and the water pump cover is "SHIPPED LOOSE".
Note K: The customer will use the front support from their removed engine. Form SEHS9667 is attached to front housing in area of front support mounting.
The customer may also need to change the fan drive mounting studs. Form SEHS9668 is attached to a fan drive mounting stud.
The customer may also need to exchange the water pump gear cover with a bracket or cover from their engine. Form SEHS9669 is attached to the water pump gear cover.
Note L: Certain 3406B long blocks may be assembled with 3406C era crankshaft, connecting rods, and pistons. This product improvement requries any future individual cylinder repairs to be made with parts which match the long block, not the original engine's consist. 3406B era parts may be used for a future repair only if they are replaced in matched sets. The pistons and connecting rods must be correct for the crankshaft being used. Different generations of pistons, rods, and cranks can not be mixed. A plate on the long block explains how to look up the correct parts to match the long block in the event of a future repair.



?2008 AVSpare