Generator Loading
A three phase load is usually balanced and presents no problem when kept within the amperage limits. However, single phase power taken from a three phase source can be a problem unless the single phase loading is equally distributed.
When a generator is installed or reconnected, be sure the total current in one phase does not exceed the nameplate rating. Each phase should carry the same load, allowing the engine to work at its rated capacity. An electrical unbalance can result in an electrical overload and overheating if one phase exceeds the nameplate amperage.
Power Factor
Power factor may be thought of as the efficiency of the load - the ratio of apparent power to total power. Power factor is expressed as a decimal and denotes that portion of current supplied to a system doing useful work. The portion of current not doing useful work is absorbed in maintaining the magnetic field in motors. This current, although it is called the reactive load, does not require engine horsepower to maintain it. The only horsepower consumed in a reactive load is used to start motors. This is the inrush or starting current.
In most applications electric motors and transformers determine the power factor of the system. Induction motors usually have a .8 power factor. Incandescent lighting is a resistive load of about 1.0 power factor, or unity.
The power factor of a system may be determined by a power factor meter or by calculations. Determine the power requirement in KW by multiplying the power factor by the KVA supplied to the system. As the power factor goes up the total current supplied to a constant power demand will go down. A 100 KW load at .8 power factor will draw more current than a 100 KW load at .9 power factor. A higher power factor increases the possibility of overloading the engine. A lower power factor increases the possibility of overloading the generator.
Low Idle Adjustment
Electric sets require higher low idle setting than do industrial engines. Low idle must not be below 2/3 the full load speed of 60 Hz units (4/5 full load speed of 50 Hz units).
Disconnect the exciter circuit by removing fuses F1 and F2 (on SRCR) or Fuse F1 (on SR 4) before operating the engine below the low idle rating. Failure to do this will result in generator damage. |
On electric sets with Woodward governors, there is no low idle stop. On electric sets with mechanical governors and natural gas electric sets, the low idle is set at the factory, and should only be adjusted by your AVSpare dealer if adjustment is required.
Single Unit Operation
Final adjustments for a new installation are given here.
- 1. Remove the exciter regulator cover and loosen the locknuts on the voltage level, voltage droop and regulator gain controls.
- 2. Turn the voltage droop control counterclockwise to zero droop and tighten the locknut.
1. Voltage Droop 2. Voltage Level 3. Voltage Gain
- 3. Run the engine at full governed speed.
- 4. Using the voltage level control, adjust the open circuit (no load) voltage to equal nameplate voltage.
- 5. Apply rated load and adjust the governor control for rated speed.
- 6. Adjust the regulator gain control until the line voltage is equal to rated voltage at rated load.
- 7. Allow the electric set to operate about one hour until temperature in the generator has stablized.
- 8. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6.
- 9. Tighten the locknuts on the voltage level and regulator gain controls, and install the exciter-regulator assembly access cover.
The electric set is now properly adjusted for single unit operation.
Parallel Operation
Preparing a generator for parallel operation requires special attention. Before attempting to parallel units for the first time, all units must be checked to be sure the following three conditions are met:
- 1. Same phase rotation.
- 2. Same speed capabilities.
- 3. Same voltage characteristics.
- 2. Same speed capabilities.
These three conditions may be compared to similar conditions required for engagement of two gears. To mesh as smoothly as possible, two gears must meet the following three conditions:
- 1. Correct rotation.
- 2. Same rotation speed.
- 3. The tooth of one segment must fit the root of the engaging segment.
- 2. Same rotation speed.
Phase Rotation
The phase rotation must be the same. A set of three light bulbs is used to determine whether the phase rotation of the incoming unit and the phase rotation of the line are the same.
- 1. Connect the light bulbs between the generator leads and the corresponding line phase, i.e. terminal 1 to line 1 across the open circuit breaker.
- 2. Start the units to be paralleled and bring them up to speed. As they approach the same speed the lights will start to blink.
- a. If the lights blink in sequence one of the units is connected backward. To correct this remove generator leads 1 and 3 at the circuit breaker and exchange them. This reverses the direction of phase rotation. Line 2 should always be connected to line 2.
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Never attempt to work on electrically hot wiring. Stop the electric set before rewiring generator leads. Open circuit breakers before working on the equipment which they control.
- b. If lights blink in unison the phase rotation of both engines is the same, and condition 1 has been met.
Engine Speed
The speed of units to be paralleled must be the same. Speed refers to the alternating current frequency.
- 1. Allow each electric set to run under load long enough for the internal temperatures to stablilize (about one hour).
- 2. Adjust the governor control to give rated frequency at full load.
- 3. Remove the load and check the high idle speed; it should be approximately 3% above full load speed. If these speeds can not be obtained, contact your AVSpare dealer.
- 4. For the most consistent results repeat steps 2 and 3. Condition 2 has been met.
Voltage Adjustment
The voltage level and voltage droop adjustments determine the amount of circulating currents between generators. Carefully matched voltage regulator adjustments will reduce the circulating currents. Adjustments to the voltage droop control should be made to give a 2% droop for load of unity power factor (load composed primarily of lighting). Loads of .8 power factor (primarily motors) require a generator voltage droop of about 5%. Voltage droop is expressed as the percentage of voltage change from no load to full load.
- 1. Remove the exciter-regulator access cover and loosen the locknuts of the voltage level and droop controls and the regulator gain control.
- 2. Turn the droop control counterclockwise to zero.
- 3. Run the engine at high idle.
- 4. Adjust the open circuit voltage level to equal nameplate rated voltage.
- 5. Apply full load and adjust the governor control to the rated full load speed.
- 6. Adjust the regulator gain control to equal nameplate rated voltage at full speed.
- 7. Run the electric set at full load until internal temperatures have stabilized (about 1 hour) remove the load and repeat steps 4, 5, and 6.
- 8. Tighten the locknut on the regulator gain control.
- 9. With the engine running at high idle, turn the voltage droop clockwise about 1/4 of full range.
- 10. Readjust the voltage level control until the voltage is about 5% above rated voltage.
- 11. Apply full load at .8 power factor.
NOTE: If a generator is paralleled with other generators, the voltage droop of each generator must be the same to satisfactorily divide reactive load.
- 12. Readjust the voltage droop control to get rated voltage with full load at .8 power factor.
- 13. Repeat steps 10, 11 and 12 until line voltage is equal to nameplate rating at .8 power factor and open circuit voltage is approximately 5% above rated voltage.
- 14. Tighten the locknuts on all controls and install the access cover. Condition 3 has been met.
Starting Single Unit Operation
- 1. Make all preliminary engine starting checks.
- 2. Be sure the main or line circuit breaker is open.
- 3. Start the engine and allow it to warm up.
- 4. Close the main circuit breaker.
- 5. Apply the load. Do not try to apply full load in one move, rather apply the load in increments to maintain system frequency at a constant level.
- 1. Remove the load in increments.
- 2. Open the circuit breaker.
- 3. Allow the engine to run for 5 minutes to cool.
- 4. Stop the engine.
Standby Electric Sets
Most standby units are automatic. They start, pickup the load, run and stop without an operator in attendance. Standby units can not change the governor control setting automatically. The throttle must be preset for the proper operation of that unit. Whenever the set is exercised or operated manually, be sure the throttle setting is correct for automatic operation. Check all switches to see they are properly set: Start Selector Switch in AUTOMATIC position and any Emergency Stop Switches in RUN position.
Multiple Unit Operation
Units may be paralleled at no load or paralleled with units under load. To parallel two or more units the following conditions must be met:
- 1. Same phase rotation.
- 2. Same voltage level.
- 3. Same voltage droop.
- 4. Same frequency.
- 5. Voltages must be in phase.
- 2. Same voltage level.
The first three conditions have been met in the parallel operation. See page 17.
- 1. Start the unit to be paralleled according to the procedure in the engine operation section.
- 2. Turn the synchronizer lights on.
- 3. After the engine has run long enough to warm up, bring it up to synchronous speed (the same frequency as the unit on the line). The synchronizing lights will begin to blink.
- 4. Using the governor control adjust the speed until the lights blink very slowly.
- 5. The lights are off when the voltages of the two units are in phase. At this point very quickly close the breaker while the lights are out.
NOTE: The frequency of the incoming unit should be slightly greater than the line frequency. This will allow the incoming unit to assume some of the load rather than add to the system load.
Circulating Currents
When two units are paralleled there will be circulating currents. These currents are not doing useful work, but are flowing between the generators. By determining the total generator amperage and subtracting the amperage going to the load, the amount of circulating current can be determined.
Circulating currents are caused by voltage differences between the two units. As the oncoming generator warms up the circulating current will be reduced.
In a cold unit, circulating current may be as high as 25% of rated amperes without being considered harmful. Circulating current is part of the total generator current which must not exceed the rated amperage.
Load Division
Once two units have been paralleled their share of the load is determined by the governor control setting. If two units of the same capacity and the same governor characteristics have the same governor control settings they will share the load equally.
To transfer the load from one engine to the other follow this procedure:
NOTE: The total load must not exceed the capacity of the engine, or the engine will be overloaded.
- 1. Increase the governor speed control of the unit to the high idle position to assume the load.
- 2. Reduce the governor speed control of the outgoing unit until the generator amperage is at a minimum. (The amperage may never be zero due to circulating currents.) At this point transfer the load.
To remove a generator from the line do the following:
- 1. Check the load. It must be less than the rated capacity of remaining units.
- 2. Be sure the neutral of one of the remaining units is grounded.
- 3. Remove the load from the outgoing unit as described in LOAD DIVISION.
- 4. Open the circuit breaker.
- 5. Allow the engine to cool for 5 minutes.
- 6. Stop the engine.