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May 2000 REMANUFACTURED STANADYNE FUEL PUMPS Product AVSpare announces the
availability of Remanufactured Stanadyne Fuel Pumps. This product
addition provides you and your customers with a lower cost alternative
for various applications that are powered with 3054 & 3056 engines.
These fuel pumps are used in the below listed AVS engines/machines: Features and Benefits AVSpare Remanufactured Stanadyne
Fuel Pumps offer the following features and benefits to you and your
customers: Show/hide table
Availability AVSpare has established distribution center inventory levels based upon estimated normal demand. Order availability is expected to be May 2000. Core Returns Core eligible for exchange credit are those received by the Dealer from the sale of the corresponding AVSpare Remanufactured Products (0R P/N's) Only. Cores should be shipped to: AVSpare Remanufactured
Products Group (Refer to Core Acceptance Criteria SELD0185-Fuel Pumps/Stanadyne). Warranty Please consult the appropriate warranty statement for your area/application. Part Number Application See following Attachment for Part Number applicability. Please contact the Reman "Hot
Line" @ 1-888-88-REMAN with any questions or concerns you may have with
this announcement or product information. Show/hide table
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