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July 2000 CHANGE OF CORE CRITERIA FOR SELECTED CYLINDER HEADS AVSpare announces a change to the core acceptance criteria for 3176 and 3406E cylinder heads. Effective August 1, 2000 the restriction limiting the allowable number of fly-cut cracks in cylinder heads is removed. Cylinder heads with any number of cracks in the combustion face fly-cut areas (machined depressions between intake valves) may now qualify for full core refund. This change eliminates the need for dealers to inspect this feature because fly-cut cracks are no longer a factor in determining core value. This announcement supersedes Information Release Memo REM99-4, PELE0655 dated May 1999. All other cylinder head acceptance criteria remain unchanged. Reman Cylinder Head Core Acceptance Criteria
(SELD0018-14) has been revised to reflect this change which also applies
to C-10 and C-12 engine model cylinder heads. If you have not yet
received an updated version of the revised criteria, it can be viewed on
the AVSpare Reman Dealer Extranet at: Please call Reman Core Administration toll free at (800) 537-2928 with questions regarding core management and returns. For assistance with technical questions, call the Reman Customer Satisfaction Hot Line also toll free at (888) 88-REMANHE or use our E-mail address--REMANHE. |
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