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July 2000 CHANGES OF CORE ACCEPTANCE FOR 3406 ENGINES Program AVSpare Remanufactured Products announces a change to the core acceptance guidelines for 3406 engines. Effective with engines sold on or after July 15, 2000, a charge will be applied on selected 3406 engine upgrade purchases. A $2,900 upgrade charge will be applied as an add charge under part number 175-1449 when a 3406C or 3406E Reman engine is sold and either a 3406A or 3406B core is returned. Upgrade Charges Show/hide table
For example, if the customer upgrades his current 3406B engine to a 3406E, he will be assessed the $2,900 upgrade charge with the return of the 3406B core. Normal core deposit and refund transactions will be processed. Core Management/Returns In addition to the normal AVSpare Core Management Information System (CMIS) electronic transaction, dealers are required to submit a paper copy of the Core Credit Request (CCR) Packing List (AVSpare form no. 01-089514-00) with the returned core engine. This paper copy must contain the serial numbers of both the engine sold and core engine returned. The form must be included for all engines sold on or after June 15, 2000. The engine serial number information is critical to ensure proper credit is granted and so must be clearly identifiable. The serial number of the sold engine should be written into the CCR form space designated "PART SERIAL NUMBER A" and the serial number of the core engine should be written into the CCR form space designated "PART SERIAL NUMBER B". Refer to the Serial Number Index (SEBF9451) for engine serial number information. Please refer to the AVSpare Core Management Information System (CMIS)
entitlement parts inquiry screen describing the list of parts in a Core
Acceptability Family (CAF) and related part number detail. This
information is available at all North American Commercial Division
AVSpare Dealerships. Also, refer to the Reman Products Guide section
called "Operations & Core Management" for complete information
concerning Reman Policies and Core Management If you have questions regarding core management and returns, feel
free to call the Reman Core Administration toll free at (800) 537- 2928.
For assistance with technical questions, call the Reman Customer
Satisfaction Hot Line also toll free at (888) 88-REMAN or use our E-mail
address--REMANHE. |
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